

I wonder if its the opposite of dry aging a steak?

“Do you eat at family restaurants that give kids raw dough to play with while you’re waiting for the food?”

Just for this, im going to the store after work and buying break-n-bake cookies.

I think thats totally fair. I own guns because I enjoy hunting, I enjoy the hobby, and I enjoy sport shooting(skeet/trap, sporting clays, tactical courses, etc).

But those are not the only 2 options. You’re forgetting the option that probably encompasses 99% of gun owners which is “owns gun their whole life and never has an incident or does anything bad with it”

“Move Howard”

You’ve missed like the 11 times ive already said(and was recognized by the OP) that there was a similar post on this article that wants to take everyones guns, and i confused the two will making that response

But we don’t apply that standard to basically anything else...

I think then what we need is a way to actual teach/encourage/enforce being a responsible owner? There are 10s of millions of responsible gun owners who will go their whole lives owning a gun without even remotely coming to an incident. It is a thing that is possible, and not that hard to do.

“Their relationship with guns is vastly different than a person of color, because once again we will most likely be at the end of a gun not behind it”

“If it’s automatic” FYI this would effect such an ungodly insanely low number of people. Crimes just flat out aren’t done by automatics, mass shootings are not done by automatics, because they are heavily regulated and unbelievably expensive.

“I think the number of gun owners who are actually responsible is pretty low based on my anecdotal evidence.”

I’d be super happy to see any guns passed through inheritance be held by the state until the person is able to undergo significant training.

I have a feeling if this was a father who shot his daughters, no one on the fucking planet would be asking why the mom didn’t try to calm him down...

You ever blame a mother for not calming down the father who beat her/her children?

they had to find some way to make this the mans fault...

I do agree with all of that 100%. So many people that own guns do not properly respect the danger, think of them as toys, etc, and its awful.

I guess. Maybe we just got stuck with Trevor because no one else actually wanted the job? I get it was huge shoes to fill, it just still bums me out. I feel absolutely naked going through this election cycle with JS and the daily show.

Except someone in this articles comments was literally advocating for it and i got mixed up on which person I was talking about? Responding to someone saying they want to ban guns with saying they want to ban guns is not kneejerk paranoia...