Nope, I’m a dude. But its a phrase ive almost heard exclusively from old people, my grandma used to say it a bunch, and she used it towards men and women.
Nope, I’m a dude. But its a phrase ive almost heard exclusively from old people, my grandma used to say it a bunch, and she used it towards men and women.
“whip smart” (a term that has likely never once in history been used to describe a man)
I think its time for a special session of Shade Court?
If only there were a presidential candidate we could’ve nominated who had this as a huge part of his platform...
Because he is a man, all men are sexist, and because of that he is only running against hillary because he is sexist.
Hell given the location i could just go to sporting goods and buy a gun on the spot to defend myself...
or why they would show us him running up the stairs and away, in a scene where only brienne and pod saw it. That would be them trying to trick us just for the sake of tricking us.
I know, but having the waif and the blackfish both die off screen in the same episode just kind of sucked.
First episode ive been super disappointed with this season.
“The legacy servers probably won’t happen for another 5+ years if ever because I don’t think they feel it would serve a large enough percentage of their fans.”
I don’t think ive ever seen someone take that stance on scalpers(only mad because they’re profiting from it, and deciding to raise ticket prices to cut them out), and it seems kind of dickish?
Something that kind of confuses me:
But it doesn’t appear to be a standardized hitbox. All models they showed, regardless of size, had the same amount of buffer area around it. So even on a character with a way larger head, you’d still get the extra space, so that would still be easier to hit.
Shes also not officially a candidate yet.
elizabeth warren didn’t want to run for president because she thought she could be more effective in the senate. why the hell would she then leave the senate to take a VP spot, which is an almost 100% ceremonial title with no power whatsoever?
I’m really tired of this reductive argument. It presumes that Warren and Hillary are the same person, and that people only say they like Warren because shes not an option and secretly we hate women.
Didnt know that was a thing. was hoping this was somehow a brave little toaster reference :(
The relationship age difference is like frets on a guitar. Sure frets 1 and 5, and 10 and 15 are the same number of frets apart, but the distance between 10 and 15 is a lot smaller than the distance between and 1 and 5.
Authorities are not browsing jezebel looking for tips...