You have any kind of source or way to actually back that 99% figure up? Or are you just continuing to prove you’re talking out your ass?
You have any kind of source or way to actually back that 99% figure up? Or are you just continuing to prove you’re talking out your ass?
So we’ve confirmed you basically know nothing about rap music. Thanks for clarifying.
Somehow I have a feeling this guy doesn’t understand the significance of Lou Reed...
Got excited we were gonna get a new giant awesome v12 bmw with a built in car phone...
The Zoo *is*child friendly. Millions of children go to that zoo every year without incidence.
Love or hate macs, that is one of the prettiest and nicest machines ive ever worked on.
Also, a gift:
I don’t think i’ll ever understand this viewpoint. Its a show where many of the most powerful characters are women, and where awful stuff happens to literally everyone. Families destroyed, fathers getting their heads chopped off, one male character spends an entire season getting tortured, gets raped, and has his…
Came here because i was shocked this wasn’t on the list. Probably my favorite track from the game.
But she got off innocent, so wouldn’t that make him the BEST lawyer?
Ok there is more to it then that, my recollection of events(haven’t refreshed since it all first hit the news) was that the FBI basically had one shot to prosecute him on this, so they basically had to sit and wait for the “smoking gun”. They had circumstantial evidence, or not exactly what they needed to know that…
Why would they ever release a final game when they’re printing millions of dollars a month from whales during their alpha(or is it in beta now?)
This is probably as far in advance as possible. It is highly unlikely they’ve known for months that it needed to be delayed but just decided not to say anything.
Was Spore the last generations Fable?
I’m glad it wasn’t just me that got a “hey you might like this article where a bunch of feminists talk about how great it is to beat the men in their lives!
You have 2 options: we fight to the death, or you sit down at the table with Fetish and I and enjoy cheesecake.
There is just a tinge of irony to the conflicting posts of “this is not representative of all BLM people i hope no one extrapolates this and tries to make the whole movement look bad” alongside your post of “ugh this guy fucked up all the guys are the worst and women should run everything”
I will fight you right now. This is war.