
Sansa is pretty awesome now. S1/S2 sansa was awful and annoying.

Goddamnit nintendo stop trying to re-invent the wheel. Gamers enjoy buttons and joysticks and all the tactile feedback they provide. We don’t need screens on our controllers or weird fiddly technology.

“A Justice Department report on intellectual property released in June 2010 noted, “annually, copyright piracy affecting the U.S. motion pictures, sound recordings, business software and entertainment software/video game industries cost the U.S. Economy $58 billion in total output, 373,375 jobs, $16.3 billion in

Can you please provide a source for that? Something that shows actual data relating for it and not just a random website making the claim?

Just in general with pirates spanning music/movies/games/etc, but:

Now that 3d printers are a thing, you bet your sweet ass i would!

“There is breaking the law for a need (food, shelter, etc) and breaking the law for a want (Nikes, cigarettes, video games).”

“ But people lose jobs when their product loses sales,”

Except the % of people that pirated the game and then bought it, which studies show happens quite often...

It wasn’t really “some stuff about sleeping with drunk guys”, she told a story about how she got a drunk dial from a dude she liked, showed up at his dorm and could tell he was basically completely blackout drunk, and was feeling shitty about herself at the time and wanted to feel “empowered” so she decided to go in

I believe he was already hurt before the ‘rana. He hurt it on a baseball slide before that, and pushed out one more sequence before this.

User with “Social Justice Warrior” in their name watches 4 episodes of a show and knows everything they could ever need to know about it, and (shocker) they’re completely wrong with their assumptions.

But Nancy did a LOT of good things. There were so many positive things she could’ve said about her, without ever bringing up AIDs. That is what makes this so strange of a mistake.

How so? WoW last lost ~5m subscribers in the last few years, and im not even sure if there are 5m subscribers spread across the remaining top MMOs. I think FF14 is like < 1.5m subs, and is the most popular by far.

Check out Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, being created by Brad McQuaid. They are doing a twitch livestream tonight at 7pm EST on

“This to all the people who said “maybe he cheated at his exam, you don’t know the facts” Ah !”

Theres just...theres just so much going on with this post...

wooo! i can bring chips and dip, or scotch. dealers choice.

There is just something ever so slightly affable about him and I’m not sure what it is.