But is feminism ONLY about women's issues, or is it about gender equality for everyone? Because I often get told that it is about gender equality for everyone, but if that were the case then men could definitely be feminists.
But is feminism ONLY about women's issues, or is it about gender equality for everyone? Because I often get told that it is about gender equality for everyone, but if that were the case then men could definitely be feminists.
"I know what "benefit of doubt" actually means, thank you. It means I'm taking his words as face value, and not trying to spin a positive outlook on them "
I want to be your best friend.
As a male, thats pretty much my reaction as well...(except not about boys)
we had similar dorms for my school. If they caught you drunk at all, you got the boot, even if you weren't drinking in the dorm. As the DD I had to sneak several groups of students into those buildings after hours so they didn't get busted by the RAs or front desk.
Is a wellness dorm like the...super studious no alcohol at all dorm?
Ugh, shut up comedy central. She is hilarious and absolutely beautiful exactly the way she is.
"And, yeah, don't worry: this isn't a game of button-mashing. Kingdom Hearts this ain't. You can defend (by holding L1 in the demo) and parry/counter-attack enemy moves, though I'm not sure how viable that is as a strategy when you're trying to slash through fifteen goblins at once. As I played through the demo—which…
I'm not sure what situation you're describing in D2. Loot wasn't terribly rare, and with the way treasure classes worked, you could farm specific bosses on specific difficulties to help make sure you got the items you wanted.
Where/how has this been proven?
Is there a place you all tend to congregate? How do I find more of you in the wild? I need more whiskyfriends :(
Monkey Shoulder is delightful. Have you tried Maker's Mark batch 46? If not, I'd highly recommend it.
This has worked wonderfully in Eve online, and I think it worked well in wildstar.
There...there are women out there who will drink nice whisky with me?
Prior to today, I was 100% certain that my sheets were blue and white. Now I am wrapped up in them on my bed, and I have no fucking idea what color they are anymore. I am staring at what I believed were white towels, but now for all I know they could be purple.
"For one thing, no one is arguing that the game industry needs to make exactly half the characters female out of fairness. "
"For one thing, no one is arguing that the game industry needs to make exactly half the characters female out of fairness. "
"For one thing, no one is arguing that the game industry needs to make exactly half the characters female out of fairness. "