
"For one thing, no one is arguing that the game industry needs to make exactly half the characters female out of fairness. "

"For one thing, no one is arguing that the game industry needs to make exactly half the characters female out of fairness. "

I have no issue with there being more females than males in a game. Or more POCs then white people. As long as it is for a reason beneficial to the narrative.

Did she iron the shirt with the phone in the pocket?? Because thats not going to end well...

Question: Is the outrage here because what she said was mean, or because it was somehow racist? If its the latter, is patchouli commonly associated with African Americans in dreadlocks? Because I've only ever known it to be associated with white hippy kids/hipsters. I'm just genuinely curious if this is something I

sorry, i liked triple triad better. It was simpler, but still had good depth and strategy.

The only hacked pokemon I'm ok with are the event only ones, because some of us just missed the event or it never happened near us.

"I'm sorry but what overlaps? WOC & gay women in women? Sure they do, but the argument is by Patricia Arquette saying "we" (who are we, btw) fought for POC & gays and it's time for them to fight for us implies that POC & gays are not a part of the we, thereby excluding WOC & gay women, thereby the we she is referring

im sorry what?

I mean ive already replied with direct quotes from several users bringing up the idea that because she said "fought", she implied that she believes POC and the LGBTQ community are done fighting and have achieved equality

Right, and i get that. I guess my confusion is why you automatically jump to "implying that there was a sort of transactional debt owed to women by gay people and POC", because my interpretation(and maybe i'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, but has she done anything where I shouldn't be giving her the benefit of

Wow. You're going to have a lot of success with that attitude.

"Do you not see the problem with basically saying: lesbians, trans women and black women aren't real women? Don't you see how this could ruffle some feathers?

I mean, yeah, I was quoting another post with that section, but yes it can be frustrating.

Are you suggesting a 2016 Alf reboot starring a gay alien? Because I'd watch the hell out of that.

"People of color and of gay,"

I absolutely get that she didn't articulate what she was saying well. The frustrating thing to me is exactly what you said "there are a lot of commenters for whom race completely blots out any chance of reasonable, feminist dialogue."

"Also, the idea that women can't critique what other women say is extremely insulting. Being a feminist doesn't just mean we're all ditzy gals braiding best friend bracelets for each other. There's this thing called feminist theory.

you straight up said "You sound ignorant. People aren't criticizing her because she used a past tense on one word."

Quote from comments in this very article: