Sir Digby Blotto

Don’t worry. The Empire will compensate you if he dies. 

For some reason everyone loves Coulson. Maybe he just reminds the majority of Disney viewership of their dad or lover.

come on Agents of SHIELD crossover characters. Lets get some Mockingbird and Quake in this thing

come on Agents of SHIELD crossover characters. Lets get some Mockingbird and Quake in this thing

From Oprhan Black to Lawyer Green.

And Constantine has sex with him. 

Swamp Thing joins the Legends!  

Hair grows back. Lungs not so much.

There are risks with hair salons and barber shops, but it’s likely less than a movie theater for two reasons: 1) much shorter stay, 2) not taking your mask off. I’ve been cutting my own hair at home. It is... not great. 

most things do. 

you guys bitch when too much of the story is in the trailer and bitch when the trailer is meant to give the impression without actually stating it.

Not sure if it’s a badly cut trailer, or a bad adaptation, but that “Right Stuff” trailer isn’t doing it for me. And that’s not just because they’re downplaying Yeager, but the whole tone just doesn’t feel right. Apple’s “For All Mankind” is alt-history fiction, but feels closer to the tone of the Right Stuff than

Hot take: Justice League’s Batman is my favorite iteration of live-action Batman (outside of maybe Adam West and 89!Keaton). Part of it is that he’s not a Bat God in the movie. He’s hopelessly outclassed by everyone else in the movie and he knows it and is struggling to come to terms with it. Part of it is his guilt

So, basically: “We’ve done fraked up our continuity to the point it can’t be fixed and have no real roadmap for what comes next but desperately need money so... multiverse saving roll!”?

Drunk you will appreciate this case in the morning.  You put it on your nightstand and it will find the charging pad for you.

My middle aged thighs might disagree. I could start a fire.

I find it ironic that that scene was based on the behavior of two grown men, who, I’m sure, would never see themselves in two teenage girls.

Wouldn’t hate if the last episode had them finish up everything with the Chronicoms and Hydra, the final time jump brings them all to 2025 and just as they’re getting settled with having a second to relax a sling ring portal opens and they have to join the final Endgame battle.