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    Great deal with all the rebates, but for my car, they’ve got basically nothing in what Tire Rack would call “extreme summer performance.” All they have are the Bridgestone RE-71Rs, and according to every review I’ve read, the wear on those are horrific. 3,000 miles of mostly daily and some autocross and you’re at the

    Great deal with all the rebates, but for my car, they’ve got basically nothing in what Tire Rack would call “extreme

    Apparently people are ripping off the “sporty” styling of the MINI Cooper Countryman now?

    And small SUVs now too. Ford Escapes by the hundreds. It’s gotten to the point where if I see someone driving poorly, I look on their driver’s window for a No Smoking sticker, or the window on the door behind it for the tell-tale rental car barcode sticker.

    Agree with you and on the original poster’s sentiments. I’m actually curious to hear what he TRULY thought of the vehicles. “Doesn’t have a V8, but boy it pulls like my NASCAR!” or “I wish my race cars back home could turn this well” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I just avoid I-4 at all costs and take toll roads wherever I can. They have 70mph speed limits and less traffic.

    It’s always been my understanding that “passing on the right” involves moving from the lane you are in to the lane immediately to the right, then passing, then sliding back left a lane. This guy was just going faster in the middle lane than someone in the left lane. Happens all the time here in Orlando when rental

    You know, I came in thinking I knew who the bad guy was in this story. Then I read it. That’s a Florida story, for sure. It’s also why I try to avoid Ocala when I’m driving.

    Was the the back bench of a Defender 110 in the Negev. Boy was that a fun drive, bouncing up and down while the driver pointed out where land mines used to be, or where he once saw a land mine blow up a cow.

    Looks like you also had a GDPO who decided to convert their garage into an additional room in the house. I’m also in Central Florida, and as a former New Englander and Tri-Stater, I’ll never understand that. I wanted a garage, danggit. It keeps me dry during the, oh I don’t know, daily thunderstorms we have during my

    He’d better hope he has insurance that covers other drivers in his cars, because he openly admitted to not being the driver of the vehicle.


    So, to defeat the anti-pap strobes, switch to manual focus on your camera? I mean, is that all it takes?

    If buzzed driving is drunk driving, is drunk driving super drunk driving, and therefore super drunk driving is mega drunk driving?

    First I thought it was a rear low-center brake light. Then I realized it’s a tailpipe glowing cherry-red.

    Is that a horn hidden in the fender?

    Should anybody require a new Twitter/Facebook/internet avatar.

    Wait. Wait. This makes sense!

    Love the sound of that external wastegate fluttering.

    It’s another RAV4! People really do think they can drive them into the ground, or BMW X5s.

    I’m pretty sure they can’t raise your rates based on something they are legally required to do, but hey, it’s insurance. Glad you didn’t have to pay it! And you won’t have to the next time... and the next time... just keep it to once a year, aye?