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    We do when the compact spots aren’t full of SUVs :)

    Pretty glowing headers...

    Both excellent points. I imagine that folded, however, it’s hard to enter the information to pay your find and disengage that. The police will say, understandably, that it isn’t their problem because it’s not stuck to their car.

    Not that I park poorly, but that is WAY too big for the windshield of my Miata. But hey, maybe I can get building management to start using these on SUVs that part in the Compacts Only spots.

    Oh, I’ve done that my fair share of times, too. For a while, I was an evil HOP. Now I’m nicer.

    I remember how I just, one day, started telling people not to ask when the stream was coming out. Then Viper gave me half-ops so I could start kicking people who asked anyway. Good times...

    I’ve worn my 516 most days since 2007. Only time it was off for any extended period of time was when it got serviced a few years ago.

    Gotta say I’m partial to my Tissot PRS 516 Automatic Chrono Limited Edition. Steering wheel exhibition back, carbon fiber face, really nice piece of kit.

    I love how it still has a door handle to that seat, as if to say the shoes need their own entry- and exitway from the vehicle.

    I work in tech, I like tech, I like taking pictures, but I’m afraid I just don’t have the disposable income to spend $41k on a car ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Florida Statute 627.7288

    I pay maybe $30/mo more than that for a 2012 Miata that’s the only car on my policy, fully covered, with fairly reasonable deductibles. Heck, it’s cheaper to insure than my old 2008 MINI Cooper S.

    Florida Statute 627.7288 requires auto insurers in Florida to replace or repair their policy holders damaged windshield with zero deductible, or, in other words, for “free.”

    Just as an FYI, Florida law requires insurance companies to give you one free windshield replacement a year, so don’t exactly feel badly about that mistake. Took a stone on I-4 that cracked my old MINI’s windshield.

    Yup, that’s the one I’d have. When I have more money than sense, I’m building one.

    This please, but in rally spec.

    Waiting for Stef to do this with shots of espresso instead of vodka and Red Bull instead of beer.

    Well, now that you’re bringing it to Florida, I might have the chance to see an ex-DougCar!

    There are 8 people on the planet who will have this problem. I feel badly for NONE of them.

    I was actually going to see this movie in Mirren got to drive, and doubly so if she drove a standard. This is garbage. They need to put her in a car. Reshoots for all I care!