
Another hot taek! wow the hits keep coming. This shit must pleasure you, amirite? That’s some sadistic shit

Also NOLF was one of my favorite games as well....I wish gog or someone would get the games code working properly on modern PCs. Haven’t played much of NOLF2, heard it wasnt quite as good as the original. Glad Sierra is back, I really hope they remake the police quest or quest for glory series (also some my favorites)

Level headed, well written aren’t the jerk I once thought!! Lol have a rec

if* (god damned phone!!!!)

I want to apologize about misquoting you. ErikLund has the same default avatar as you and I mistook his statement for yours. Sorry about that.

“Why don’t you point out what it did that was so “original”...”

I implore you to compare HL2 and other games released in 2004. If you do so, you will see that you incorrect in saying that ‘nah, half life 2 didn’t do anything original except the gravity gun’. Physics aside, Half-life 2 set the standard for the first person storytelling experience in games. The textures, lighting,

I call it “taking a karp”

Almost as beautiful as Big Sur ;)

My PC sucks giraffe balls but I used to love the shit out of Op Flashpoint. How different is the ArmA series vs. OpFlash? Are the controls even more complex or about the same?

Yeah man it’s because of all the outrage and riots for Dillon Taylor as well as 6 year old autistic boy Jeremy Mardis....both shot by cops. oh wait neither death even made national news

-probably a white dude

I didn't think cop-hating or racial issues would make its way into this comment section. Stupid me.

Wow that’s pretty lame you think that way. I for one don’t mind kids having fun (I’m actually quite glad that the park is finally getting some use after decades the subject of ignorance) but I do mind kids from yelling until 2am and leaving their garbage everywhere. That’s pretty disrespectful to the property and to

DDoS’d apparently. If this were just high traffic volume the issue(s) would/should have been resolved by now. As much as I hate killjoy hackers, I’m kinda glad that I can enjoy the park today without assloads of screaming kids. (I knew it seemed too quiet this morning)

I fucking hate RE5. Tentacle-heads ruined the game

...and yet most do not, like Chicago for example....and look at those murder rates!

That's total bullshit of North Korea got the game first 😩

if you knew anything about America you would know we don't invest in things like public safety. Nice try tho

Pokemon Go players are getting a little ridiculous. I live in a small-ish NJ suburb (not far from Philadelphia). There is a park in the downtown part of Main Street that has been nice, quiet place to relax for decades. Now thanks to a nearby gym & pokestop, the park is occupied by 15 to 25 teenagers all day and most