
This game is so frustrating

Lol you've gotta be fuckin kidding me right

I've been playing a ton of ME3 multiplayer to get my galaxy readiness higher. I'm surprised the mp in this game is so much fun. Too bad there aren't many people playing (PS3)


What a dick

Korean food is so delicious. Bibimbap+side dishes and I'm set for life


Well at least it’s in cans....

I shall eat a bowl of bibimbap in recognition....and maybe have a pint of Hite beer too =)

“Neither of which are informed, logical responses.”

Wow, go fuck yourself for putting a season 6 gif as the title thumbnail

That's awesome. Korean gamers always the the shaft when it comes to localization

Would rather have BeachHead 2000 VR

Can we at least change the team you play for? Will not play if I'm forced to be a ManUre player

Agreed. I'll buy anything TES....twice even

I'll agree to disagree on this one

It's the fact she looks NOTHING like the character from the film. Neither does Grant

Shameless self promotion ftw!

I’m a bit pissed for a different reason than most people here. I was going to buy a ps4 around Madch but held off when I read the (what was then) rumors of a ps4.5 in development. I really want a ps4 but why would I buy one now when there’s going to be a more powerful model soon? How long will I have to wait?

Korean gaming culture is underrated.