Feels like it's winking at me... No, really, why's it winking at me?
Feels like it's winking at me... No, really, why's it winking at me?
I can't help but think this is the most masterful piece of trolling this site has seen in quite a while...
The motor's the winner, I just don't have a car for it. VW Rabbit Pickup, maybe?
It really is mind boggling. The only visual difference between that pic and the motor on a stand in my garage is the intake manifold, induction, and rear main seal cover. Same valve covers and everything. The pics of the GT300 and GT500 motors even have the same connection locations to the front coolant bridge.
I hate to be the parade-rainer here, but that story's just a myth. Years ago, Racecar Engineering magazine had an interview with Ulrich Baretzky, current head of engine development for Audi's racing efforts, and former BMW engine dev team member during the F1 days. RE asked him about the "seasoned blocks" story. Turns…
I hate myself for this, but...
Woo! Thanks! I need to buy a shirt finally... (Procrastination, I has it)
Heh, thanks for the love guys. I'm one of the 2 guys that designed that. Didn't want to resubmit it because it's not "new". Still on cafepress... somewhere. If anyone wants the link I'll go find it.
Off topic, I apologize, but what are your shifting issues? I have reverse popout, 2nd gear grind, and have-fun-finding 1st. Hoping to collect them all!
Western Michigan has tons of these, in very nice condition, for under $5k. Check Craigslist.
Until you factor in the total emissions including production...
Whoa whoa whoa! What's wrong with ATs?! They work fine on the wife's Jeep for actual off-roading a few times a year and still let her drive ~8k commuting miles a year safely and with half-decent mileage. I agree that they're found on every wannabe/brodozer parked in front of the Jamba Juice, but that doesn't make them…
3-4 years back, I'm on 294 N in Wisconsin. There were 2 packs of cars separated by maybe 3 miles, and me in the middle, scooting along at 100. Of COURSE I get pulled over.
Is that Test Hill? Mommy sat shotgun for that one last year. (She'd just bought the Jeep a few weeks earlier and was too nervous to do much driving, terrified of breaking parts. My liberal use of the loud pedal didn't help.) This year, I think she's comfortable enough driving stick and her car to try it!
Ditto. Started the tradition back up with the new wife, and this summer is going to be the little one's first time on the dunes up there! (Though at a little under 2yrs old, he doesn't get to ride in daddy's rail yet, just mommy's Jeep.)
This silly little turbo 1JZ-powered VW Caddy drift... track... thing... I've become obsessed with it, to the point that I'm considering getting rid of project cars to build a similar beast. Speedhunters: 1JZ Caddy
Enlarge cylinders, increase distance of piston travel, potato, potahto. Same difference.
Seconded. All those in favor?
The positive feedback becomes the only reason to cooperate or do good/nice/right things, so the kid will never learn to just be nice without expecting some sort of reward, verbal or otherwise.