So to be clear, you’re sure you aren’t James Bond?
So to be clear, you’re sure you aren’t James Bond?
But is it a sandwich?
Expedited Delivery
Holy Grail du jour.
Holiest of the holy, grailiest of the grails...
If I see a Changli burnout before I die, I’ll go to hell a happy man.
Whatever car shows he goes to: I want in!
Look, why can’t you just be happy for Fancy Kristen?
Ah, the o-xide is strong with this one.
“Can you try not to drive so bumpy? I'm getting typos"
Accidentally taking a 20mph freeway exit at 70 will give your brakes a good check.
Bah, the BMW suggestions might be bad decisions, but they’re also boring bad decisions. Oh, another E46? Yawn.
Liver with Fava beans and a nice Chianti... wait a minute... you said Biden.
Ok. It all starts at the farm.