
Hey, I'm still waiting for; "More than meets the eye" in a Transformers movie...

Since energy comes from food, is there really a difference?

'On the Internet, no one knows that you're a dog.' Why should dolphins be any different?

A nice place to visit, but...

In addition to a fairly deep gravity well compared to asteroids, Europa is inside Jupiter's VanAllen radiation belts...which are more intense than Earth's. (as are Io and Ganymede)

Damn, and I thought the possibility that Jim might buy a flight around the Moon with the Russians via Space Adventures (which would've been a great encore to going to the Challenger Deep), was already pretty cool...!

And the military value of the Moon or Mars would be...?

"...though the bullet hitting eyeball scene was pretty cool. "

But given enough force, that's at least possible in principle...

I remember discussing something like this with a friend at a con a while back. We compare things like this to a 'normal human' baseline. But is there anything pretty much all humans can do, that would be considered a 'super power' somewhere else?

Making the world safe, for conventional warfare...

Some people don't read Niven, apparently....

"Look, once your mind is flexible enough to admit any of the current religious doctrine, it can stretch to fit anything."

Um, isn't 'wireless radio' redundant...?

Really? Two words: Halle Berry.

That one wins, but I've seen a runner-up before (via George Takei, no less):

Is that Anne's line, or Robby's?

In the Trek novel 'Before Dishonor,' the Borg destroy Pluto, among other things (as a witnessing character noted), rendering the controversy forever moot...

My God, it's the Kzin home system...!

And if you lived on a habitable moon of such a world (such as Coyote, Yavin, Pandora), expect skies something like this...