

My fear is something like 'The Sum of all Fears.' Non-state actors getting a couple nukes...and using them.

(shrug) It's okay. The conspiracy theorists won't believe the Chinese, either. All the reasons we supposedly didn't go there, haven't gone away.

Until they raise a piece of something and check serial numbers, it won't be 100%

Are you sure you don't mean Texas...?

And I originally read it from the library...

You must first compress, before you can 'de.'

But what happens when it comes to non-space issues...?

Indeed, that would not help you or Tyson (or me), but he's appealing directly to the electorate instead. And though I disagree with him on some points, I totally accept that logic...

"If I'm equipping astronauts, no, I ain't gonna put 'em in bikinis or swim briefs. They're gonna have pressure suits, overalls, or pants, long sleeves and jackets."

'Does that mean it's not worth pursuing?'

But do I get to say how NASA would itself spend the money? (I wouldn't spend another dime on the Space Launch System, for example) Bad policy (most of which is out of their hands, that comes from the President and Congress) and bad management, won't be fixed with yet more money.

"I love how no one ever seems to remember that."

"The first manned descent of the Marianas trench was by the US Navy. "

"If you want to launch an Apollo-style, large budget, large vision, science initiative, how about a complete elimination of fossil fuels?"

Except for some tidal forces,* gravity is being applied equally to all parts of the planet or star. It's not like riding a rocket. No acceleration will be felt, any more than if you jump off a high object on an airless world. (You will feel that sudden deceleration whenever you hit the ground.) Objects in orbit are in

Of course, we had a money-sucking war in that decade, too...

"Honestly, I'd rather spend that money providing single payer health coverage and low cost housing for the poor than wasting it on space flight."

What we spend on NASA now would be adequate to do very desirable things in space with humans, if we did it right. Problem is, at this time, we don't do it right.

Damn shame people like that don't get voted for...or don't even run in the first place.