
Being partial to tall 'amazonian' women, I'm somewhat sorry that this didn't come to pass...

David Brin. 'Glory Season.' A matriarchal world of families of female clones (though men are still needed a little bit to make it work.)

I'm no fan of the space elevator concept, but this is the first time I've heard anyone suggest it would be anything like a straw. My understanding has always been that the car would climb the outside of this material. I've heard no one speak of going up the inside of a hollow tube. (and some propose powering the 'car'

You could often see them being tested through their range of motion, minutes before ignition.

"Maybe it's even a threat: "Buy this series or you'll never see your beloved Titans again, pitiful comic readers!" "

I thought Colossus was dead.

jape1, FWIW, Buddhists have been saying something of this sort for a long time. Likening 'us' to the individual water droplets a river breaks up into after going over a waterfall..only to re-collect into a single entity again at the bottom...

Which may turn out to be the only kind possible (but still conceivably very common, and in different forms than we know, but with a recognizable basic biology).

'Common sense' is sometimes wrong. Proving that, matters. And much more so on some subjects than others.

"Let's ride, with the family down the street,

I recall that the DAT sampling rate was chosen to be something other that the 44.1khz rate of audio CDs, to complicate digital copying of CD material to tape...

Of course, we do have the phrase 'pistol-whipped.' But we all know that's a purely secondary function...

Of course it's a weapon. And that's okay, as long as you respect it as such...

Directly altering genes is bad...yet we indirectly do the same via selective breeding for millennia.

Google "Carterfone decision" sometime. Before this, you couldn't connect anything but AT&T's own devices to the telephone system.

Good ICBMs (which China already has) aren't necessarily good satellite launchers. The first is optimized for its ability to stand ready for an indefinite period, to launch a fairly small payload with minimum notice and preparation.

I remember well one scene where Detective Mann makes a very lame joke, and his android partner is unresponsive. He says something about her not possessing a sense of humor. She says;

"Anyone remember John Doe? "

Second that.

Interesting. The only incident I was aware of was during the non-landing Apollo 10 mission when there was a serious loss of attitude control after the Lunar Module ascent stage separated from its descent stage in Lunar orbit, and its pilot (not sure if it was Tom Stafford or Gene Cernan) first shouted;