
Well, then it gets to be like Moon landing hoax conspiracies. Is there 'proof' that will please everyone?

Enforcing that demand would be...problematical.

Certain corporations (who do have lobbyists) are frequent contractors for NASA projects, and certain members of Congress want to see that money flow to their states/districts where that work would be done.

"...unless you have ever personally contacted your Congressional representatives to demand NASA's funding be increased."

"...but it's great that that energy was put into doing something incredible, like going to the moon, instead of just building more missiles."

"It is very unlikely the U.S. would not respond..."

Alpha's designer intended for her to be both, though the sexual functions were initially meant only for him. Then, not surprisingly, things got complicated....

And remember, those are surface temperatures. Things heat up quickly, as you go to the core where fusion occurs.

I suppose if you took all the mass of the Universe except for one subatomic particle (an electron, say), converted it to energy, and dumped all of that energy into that one particle...

And I thought some of Jim Steranko's artwork could've been classified as a controlled substance without help...!

So, is this what it means to be so scared that you "Shit a brick..?"

"Wouldn't they also have to get permission to fly at hypersonic speeds over land? People don't much care for sonic booms interrupting their day..."

Gerry and Sylvia Anderson technology and miniatures just aren't that hard to recognize...

Finally! Hot babes for someone who actually contributed something of value! There is justice in the goddamned world...!

Also, following that logic, tell them; "Okay, no more 'space.' Now, which of the 'more important' things do you want to do first? Tell me how you're going to prioritize cancer, vs AIDS, vs climate change, vs hunger vs animal abuse vs human trafficking...etc? Do we prioritize it by what kills the most people? That

"By the 23rd Century, 99% of humanity will exist in the form of digital emulations and replicas endlessly proliferating within an infinity of virtual realms."

And not all conflict is war.

Like it didn't occur to most of us...!

Already being partial to tall/big women, I could be (further) motivated by this...