
"Critters can be pretty damn tough."

Just don't let one bite you as it dies...

Are you old enough to remember seeing Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 break up and fall into Jupiter in 1994...?


At least they appear to have had the sense not to use Power would have bought up and hoarded every copy...

Unless you're Captain Mar-Vell...

I dare you to start with the Hulk.

But it's taking a long trip to nowhere in particular...

Or will it be the one the Klingons use for target practice? (ST: V)

Doesn't matter. It's fast enough to leave the solar system forever, but the Voyagers aren't at galactic escape velocity. (Which, according to a book in the Time-Life series I read long ago, is about 300,000 mph...)

Actually, I remember a story (by Pournelle?) in Niven's 'Man-Kzin Wars' stories, set during the time the Kzin controlled Wunderland, the human colony world of Alpha Centauri, wherein it was necessary to get a small sublight ship there in a shorter than usual time. (with the specific goal of assassinating

Just to help you with your terminology: If we liken stars to trees, planets are leaves on the trees, galaxies are the entire forest of trees...and the Universe is made up of a great many, vastly separated forests...

"It's too powerful, Captain! She canna take any more...!"

No, I'm glad he clarified that. Not that I thought he was 'going for' anything, I just didn't have enough background knowledge to get it...

Though the big, flat-screen (and I mean non-CRT) televisions arrived pretty much on schedule.

"If you don't even bother to consider the possibility that your opponents are right and that you might be wrong, you're being intellectually dishonest, even if you actually are right."

You know, things don't just 'fall out of orbit...'

"And it would be the more devastating terrorist target possible. "

"The static electricity generated by dragging a miles high metal tower through the atmosphere would be staggering."

'Eliminating war' still doesn't mean you wouldn't have t justify each project on its own merits. Not doing A doesn't automatically lead to doing B instead...