
Indeed, some of the first searches for tachyons looked for evidence of Cerenkov Radiation in vacuum...though assumptions had to be made as to what sources of tachyonic particles might be.

You might even have some days all over again...

(shrug) Give it whatever pet name you want...

So, you're saying I should always carry a well-groomed rooster...?

I knew there was some point to the Space Launch System...

Except that science inherently understands that paradigm shifts could happen, and accepts it with sufficient evidence. In religion, such shifts tend to be bloody reformations that really don't prove or disprove anything in the end...

It's been said that major new insights don't begin with a moment of 'EUREKA!'

"I just want to know if its bogus all ready! "

Such characters are pioneers, and (with apologies to Native Americans) one definition of a 'pioneer,' is a guy with an arrow in his back...

And all particles with a rest mass of zero are constrained to move at that, and only that speed.

How we know that (non-zero rest mass for neutrinos) to be true, was explained very nicely in this episode of PBS's 'Nova' series:

"The speed of light sucks."

Though there was already reason to suspect that some neutrinos were tachyonic...

But that messes with so many other things. A larger value of c in E=mc^2 means mass can be converted to even more energy than is possible now. Reactors run away, tactical nukes become continent busters, stars burn hotter and faster, assorted other not-fun events happen.

"If the particle has no mass, like a neutrino..."

"Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the Sun...but Mama, that's where the fun is..."

It's my understanding that the Apollo 10 crew were taken to their LM and explicitly shown that this craft lacks x, y and z systems. You know you need them to safely land and take off.

Consider Jim Lovell. Around the Moon twice. Apollo 8, Apollo 13. The former carried no lander, and events cheated him out of a landing opportunity, on the latter...

I'm thinking it depressurized long ago...and if by chance there's still anything viable aboard, it's got to be dormant.