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Did you ever watch Better Off Ted? Because these ads seriously remind me of the Veridian Dynamics ads from that show.

I honestly can’t wait to see George W’s list of movies. I filed a FOIA for a list of every movie he watched back in March 2015. The expected completion date for that request is August 2019. No joke.

can the shitposting be left to gawker? file this in with 300 Days of Woke Kristen or whatever the fuck they do over there.

Beyonce or Garth Brooks? Gizmodo is definitely not my go-to for music news.

How incredibly wrong you are...
All cat are very much the same, lizard/squirrel hunting, murder machines. The only real differences between cats are the opinions, we as owners bestow upon them.

ok, now they need to build a game called “Ralph Factory” that tries to make you throw up

This will be more adrenalin than doing a bungee jump and cheaper!

The woman obviously has serious problems. The Apple folks were enabling her in the negative sense: “dysfunctional behavior approaches that are intended to help resolve a specific problem but in fact may perpetuate or exacerbate the problem”. Yeah, they eventually came up with a solution that she was satisfied with,

That was the most fascinating and incoherent comment I have read in a long while.

I’m sorry but can take my logiTECH mouse when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. Touch screens are great but require incessant cleaning. I barely use the touch screen on my laptop and it already looks like it got slobbered by a wet puppy.

No — I am Lexusblind.

you’re just the worst kind of person

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I see your 12 year old self and raise it these

Then you have to choose between the children or the buttons. Tough day for kids everywhere.

Ah, reminds me...

Could you do an article strictly on the number of times the Nazi's intelligence failed? I read somewhere that by the end of the war, every Nazi agent in London was a double agent. They also were easily fooled by almost every allied ploy..