
Because they were trying to avoid an even bigger customer services f***up this makes it even WORSE.

I’ve had nightmare experiences with American/United and Delta... between overbookings, swapping airplanes, cancellations, along with god awful borderline retarded and rude staff. Never a problem with Southwest. The TSA has also been GD miserable. I used to love flying, but I loathe it now. I’ll gladly drive 12 hours

The person complaining seems like they live inside their head too much and assumes the worst.

Typing any sort of response to that kind of person is futile. They will assume any sentence is sarcasm or veiled dismissal, and when physically approached by a man will always feel intimidated and ignore attempts at is nothing. She’s made a mountain out of a molehill. Hell, I’ve had worse banter than this with the females in my office, and THEY started it. No, this is someone being super touchy and looking for an excuse. The guy apologized, and she still went off on a tirade. I’m not defending apple, or their employees,

Except that engineers tend to be overwhelmingly male. That’s not Apple’s fault. When I was in college maybe 5% of my department was female. Far more often than not I was working with entirely male groups, and it wasn’t unusual to have classes that were entirely male. That’s reality, has nothing to do with what’s “PC”.

I wouldn’t even say that it was all that inappropriate. They’re talking about “undisclosed persons” in the building and referenced an internet meme about intruders. They weren’t promoting sexual violence in any way, shape, or form.

Yeah, if there was more before this incident I would have expected her message to mention it in as much detail.

This. People need to stop being so overly sensitive about nonsense in this world. Geez.

This is ridiculous. I’m seriously starting to hate living in this world. Bad things happen to all kinds of people, some are worse then other but everyone could claim its personally the worst thing on Earth for them. I’m surprised how much the Apple employee apologized over it instead of saying something stupid like

I seriously can’t tell if this article is satire. The woman “Danielle” sounds like a complete narcissist who absolutely refuses to accept a sincere apology multiple times, climbs leaps and bounds above the chain of command to the CEO of the company, gets a month paid leave, and comes back expecting what exactly? Did

yup. the ptsd triggers part mad eme laugh. I am 100000% for women who feel uncomfortable in the work place for valid reasons, and this may not be the whole story, so I don’t want to say she sucks, but if this is the only incident, or this is how it usually plays out, this woman strikes me as the mom at the PTA who

Gunning straight for that HR settlement no doubt. I read it more as a pop culture reference joke than a rape joke.

Wow, Danielle must be really busy at work, what with all the time she has to write and complain about her coworkers referencing a song instead of doing actual work. Way to go Danielle, lead by example!

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

So the guy apologizes multiple times for the joke and she keeps escalating it? I wouldn’t make a joke like that at work because it isn’t appropriate, but if someone apologizes while stating they will not do it again; it should be over right then. No need to escalate it right to the CEO without going through your

Specific ethical objections:

“Say the transplant is successful. Would Spiridonov still be himself or would his identity shift into a combination of himself and the donor?”

Also Oswald killed Kennedy, Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare, 9/11 was not an inside job, the UFO at Roswell was just a spy satellite, and the Queen of England is not a lizard person. Just thought I should get that off the table before the crazy people show up.

I would watch a YouTube channel just of Vivian Kubrick and Buzz Aldrin punching Moon Truthers in the face.

I work in an open office. It is the worst. And I am an audio/video editor. So I legit get no peace to get my work done. The plus side is I wear headphones all day so people leave me alone. Its a plus because I don’t like people.