
Daddy Longlegs as ornaments.... haha.... to be honest if I see a house spider ambling around I do tend to just grab it and drop it outside the front door with the thinking that as long as they're in the vicinity then it's all good, and I've actually held a tarantula that hadn't been defanged or whatever... but only

Yeah, for all my defending the 8 legged wonders, huntsmen are scary... I think a spider gets creepy around the time you can make eye contact with them from a reasonable distance! The worst was coming back from the shops with a friend driving, we pulled over and she went to get out, and there was one in the

Had to do it.... sorry! These are Huntsman spiders....

Mmm no!

Woah... nice! Had a similar sized Huntsman (look 'em up!) on my bedroom wall in Oz when I was there, I left the room to seek assistance and when I returned it had vanished... did I sleep well that night? haha

Have to say too, there is a spider in New Zealand (and probably others use this technique a lot too) that will climb up an object, fence post for example, and cast it's silk out on the wind so that it reaches say.... a fence post on the other side of the garden, and by morning it'll have constructed something

Oh, and really beautiful photographs!

There's absolutely nothing scary about these... and to be honest, the vast majority of the time the thing that's dangerous about spiders is the way people react to seeing them, not the venom or bites....

Gizmodo, for all your technology related needs..... but as an aside, how long until the games? I'm assuming they're gonna at least run a broom around the place!

Too soon??? haha

Oooooooh no no no.... by Trolls I mean the ones on here hating on the military!

I wonder how often these trolls play Battlefield, Modern Warfare or the like.....!!! You can almost guarantee it!

Oh yeah, you're sooo right, lets disband the military hey.... see where the world is in 10 years time! Christ! I honestly don't think you can believe this rubbish! It's easy to hide behind the anonymity of the internet making inflammatory and juvenile comments, however I guarantee that 99.9% of the population (of

You are right in every respect.... to be completely honest in the context of this discussion it's really a no-brainer, and utterly bewildering that anyone would claim otherwise... disaster relief and training alone has been of more value than anyone could quantify! Of course there are bad apples, there are in every

Bet away... doesn't change a damn thing.... why don't you start a new argument somewhere else called 'How have people in the military made our lives worse?' because I can add to that certainly, there are a lot of ways they have... but AGAIN.... he asked how they've made our lives better and there are a load of ways,

And just to clarify, the argument was based around "How have people in the military made our lives better?" ......and that is absolutely incalculable!

Read everything both myself and marine6680 have said!

Plus the original post referred to 'The Military' not specifically The US Military.... I'm not american, have no affiliation with US politics or the US military, I can't say I have a very rosy view of the US'es involvement in a lot of areas.... but I can still see how misguided this whole discussion is!

Yes I do, I was referring to the UN missions! Not really the point anyway....