
Thank you! THIS! Seriously though I very much doubt you'll be heard!

Haha... yeah ok... I'm keeping it brief because I'm entirely convinced this whole argument is pointless, it's not like anyone is going to be able to convince you of anything other than the fact that you are right.... and everyone else (read EVERYONE else on this thread) is wrong.... so what's the point? Really? What's

Have you read anything I've said??

Haha, veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery good point! But at least we're not resorting to being juvenile!

Jacksonian, don't be sucked in.... if ever there was a dead discussion this is it!

Way to miss the point completely....

I think describing WWII as "A Good Cause" kinda summed it up! haha!

Yeah, you're right... well done! ;)

Totally called it.... we're going to get absolutely nowhere here!

*sigh* Someone please take over.... I'm tired now!


I said I was out too..... ever feel like you're pissing into the wind?

Cambodia... El Salvador... Guatemala... Mozambique... Namibia... Tajikistan.... Sierra Leone... Burundi... Côte d’Ivoire... Timor-Leste... Liberia... Haiti... Kosovo.... Heard of any of these???

Read my last reply..... I don't know why I'm still here....... I'm not saying every campaign has been for the benefit of mankind, but my god, you really need to start doing some research before you comment on things, because you aren't coming off terribly well in this discussion I'm afraid.....

Aaaargh...... must.... not..... be...... sucked..... in...... ok, I can rattle off any number of peace keeping missions over the past decade.... DO SOME DAMN RESEARCH!!!!!!!! That's it.... I'm out!

Wow! Just..... WOW! I hardly know where to start with this..... but surely the advancements made are made by the PEOPLE in the military..... can I just bring up Hitler now and end this discussion here, because I really don't see us getting anywhere......

Are you serious.....? Anyone want to list the advancements made... in any number of fields... because of the military?

But yet you hung around long enough to comment.........

Oh, Jenny don't be hasty
No, don't treat me like a baby
Let me take you where you'll let me
Because leaving just upsets me!!!