Do you think maybe I was talking more about the A’s season as a whole than the one result in particular?
Do you think maybe I was talking more about the A’s season as a whole than the one result in particular?
If Johnny keeps sucking like this he’s going to be sent back down to the Browns.
Hey, old-school anti-stats guys, tell us again how Billy Beane and Moneyball tactics have no place in baseball.
I was already sick of LeBron vs MJ debates before it was political. This is going to drive me to drink... even more.
You seem angry.
I couldn't find a Ghost Protocol reference but the other four are obvious.
The location scout who found that cliff needs a special Oscar just for that achievement alone. Breathtaking.
I hope every one of them dies unloved and unmourned
You’re just not understanding what brilliant governance this is. It’s the wave of the future!
Believe me, if they listened to me, things would already be a lot different around here. For starters, I’d be in charge.
Too true, but at least there’s a fair chunk of folks here trying to change that. I’m sure there are similar folks in Italy, but their voices aren’t being heard.
You should not be in the grays.
We know exactly how many Americans think it’s cool to treat women like subservient sex objects. We have the vote totals from November 2016, and most of those people are still here. We need multiple generations to vacate this mortal coil (including mine) before we’ll see real change.
Given the way Asia Argento was run out of the country, and the fact that Silvio Berlusconi continues to be a free man, it’s clear that Italy is currently a pro-rape nation, so this fits.
We have a winner.
I don’t understand why teams don’t just go back to the player after the CTE sets in and say, “Hey Sam, we lost the other copy of your contract. Can you sign this one that says ‘will play QB for $_________ and a subscription to Golf Digest’?”
David Vitter and Tom Sizemore, too. Sorry gents, you may qualify for the Legion of Disgraced Johns Auxiliary, but there are so many dipshits born with the name that there isn’t room in the club for latecomers.
You mean former judge, right? Please tell me this clown was summarily removed from the bench (I know better, but sometimes I like to let myself imagine how things would play out in a just world).
How long until John Schnatter teams up with John McAfee to form the Legion of Disgraced Johns? Too bad John du Pont isn’t around anymore to join up.
Do you want liberals to see the light and agree with you, or do you want liberals dead? Or are both outcomes equally acceptable?