
Today is seems that every middle age, white sports journalist (Peter King, etc.) fawns over the likes of Bruce Springsteen and U2, even though every piece of music they have released since 1990 has been mediocre at best.

Sorry I’m too distracted by that hair piece he’s wearing.

I’m not an expert, but that box could have used more stuffing.

Splash Brothers


Down under.

The fans get applause from the home squad at 1:45? Wtf.

So his house is white too.

It’s just too bad he ran the wrong way.

Isn’t Colin more a blue state type?

It took retirement for Shaq to finally become likable.

This deserves more love.

Cowherd can't star this article enough.

He’s also not a coach.

the new layout is junk without a direct link to Cowherd’s show.

As an Oregonian believe me the feeling isn't reciprocated.

Congratulations, you've told a better story than Boyhood.

Amazing how effective a whistle is at breaking up a fight.

Ugliest shooting stroke since Bill Cartwright

other than Posey solo home runs, how are the giants going to score in april and may?