
Careful. Any post with Andrew Luck and sack in the same sentence is going to get Cowherd's attention.

why does every fan altercation video include the sound of a cackling chicken?

Photoshop contest?

That looked conclusive enough.

Amazing work

I'm scared to ask what this is from.

Paul married Heather out of guilt for what Abbey Road hath wrought.


And tomorrow morning he'll be traded.

Comment of the day.

And Fox Sports 1 still had less viewership than those watching in person.


That's the 4th of July video.

Those eyes are piercing my soul.. make it stop.

"Teds, of Beverly Hills Steakhouse, Come on down!"

Her response was mumbled - what did she say?

Doesn't take much to be better than Jack Buck's kid.

Trevor Gillies just got wood.

Any idea why the pitcher wasn't called for obstructing Posey?

She's angry enough to burn down Colin's House of Straw.