OKC vs Seattle vs Sacramento
OKC vs Seattle vs Sacramento
no idea what they are saying, but works for me.
+1 good sir.
No NBA on CBS love?
That's awesome. +1
God bless you.
Too bad no one actually watched this.
More rainbow on that chart than you'll find in Sochi
I'll never understand the guac love.
I really hope that's just snow or ice on the road.
Is it still called a double/triple team when the defenders are more than 2 feet away?
And you lived to tell about it?
to absolutely destroy the land on which these lizards were living as a torrent of liquid shot out at otherworldly speed. (The towel ultimately stayed behind).
GD. I can't unsee that.
Nnnnhh, peppermint roll!
Why didn't they get a statement from the Girls Gone Wild cameraman?
You just set white people back 500 years.