Dungeon style

Holy cash cow batman. Thats impressive.

Just hope the don't tell their parents you said it :/

If you really want to scare children...Why not show them a birthing video...

Don't worry we can fix you..

Mac App Store if your not fimilar with BlaqkAudio term...

i DO both with flowers and a chocolate...

Smashing hit this phone is!

Really. All 4G phones on verison has a sim card...

What nuts? i don't see any..

The comment section on engadet is funny to read. Better than the articles. android vs apple vs who ever. Every article is the samething..

Cool beans. i just use it to listen to dubstep.

Que the twitter post saying They only got someone associated to us and everyone is in still accounted for!

Why must morons that have no interest in the article comment saying they have no interest!

Can i hire you as my lawyer?

So your telling me that i can record my roommate that tends to be naked?