Dungeon style

*raises hand*

Thats why its delta updates so that it only update only what's necessary.

i love people that act tough on the web....

it has been fixed

I noticed that, it seems fixed in beta 2

Yeah. i listen to dubstep and had the EQ on bass boost. and it sounded like shit...


.....ummm i could be...*closes computer and goes into a corner and cries*

Does it have an Automatic sandwich maker?

Question....How do i get one of Dem fancy looking star?

You can have that job since you're so enthusiastic about iTunes....

Which one would be the job that one wouldn't have to do jack shit but get praises?

Thats how i do it, made lots of good friends that way!

At least make the side panels black...

Damn people stopping me from doing drugs on the job...wait what

*Golf Claps*

Jokes on you my video quality has already been worse :P

I want the blue one.....this one doesn't match my underwear!

Father Jobs would like to have a word with you!!

All my current asshole makes me do is shit all day. what are bringing to the tabel?