Super classy. I’m glad you didn’t wait for the wreckage to stop smoldering before having some fun at Indonesia’s expense.
Super classy. I’m glad you didn’t wait for the wreckage to stop smoldering before having some fun at Indonesia’s expense.
Maybe not in “profit” but that's only because the profit is being distributed as big fat salaries and insane lobbying budgets. I have less than zero sympathy for Lockheed.
Can we please stop ignorantly giving Spain credit for “discovering” America? There were native people here long before the fucking Spaniards came.
You don’t fish for an out of court settlement by not filing a lawsuit.
Ugh I wish I had noticed this was written by NVC before I clicked. This post is not remotely coherent.
Internet comments are not comparable to a sanctioned event with sponsors and corporations and purported professionals who can't leave their juvenile racist jokes at home.
But why is it a joke and who finds it funny?
That would have been a helpful addition to this story. Without googling, I think it started as “vintage” clothes being sold on eBay, which eventually grew to have enough demand to justify manufacturing their own line which basically made them into a fashion company.
Your reading comprehension sucks. Read the lines you quoted from Kara again, and then compare with your apparent takeaway.
Also notable: the word Graphic—on which “GIF” is based—begins with a Guh, not a Juh.
Why do you value health fiction over reality?
This is the internet, why even bother posting a “research has shown...” comment if you’re not going to include a link to said research? This is Internet Commenting 101.
“Derrrr, I like watching videos but I hate it when the creators of those videos try to make any money! How dare they create content and not give it to me for FREE!”
The subject matter was interesting but the formatting and style of this post made it unreadable. I don't think the material was juicy enough to justify parsing it one morsel at a time and making fun of each individual morsel.
Isn’t it the most likely explanation that it was not a misstatement, but an intentional tweak of the Chinese?
I’m dubious that he misspoke. China largely just ignores our polite diplomacy, so when you need to shape up China’s diplomats to get them to the table, you say some shit that will get their bosses stirred up.
You could say China is the Rick Santorum of nations—he's not going to just let a nation be gay and happy.
Geez, the comments on this article aren’t a tea party echo chamber at all.
All I care about is weed. I’m not asking for some libertarian paradise or advocating for the mass chaos that would certainly ensue without the rule of law. I’m just asking that I (and others, including persons of color) not be unfairly and unjustly prohibited from growing a beautiful flower in my backyard that makes…
The state of being subject to unjust treatment or control. You are an idiot.