
You’re not alone. You are worthy of love—including from yourself, and you have no responsibility for what was done to you. Give your sister a big hug, we should all be so lucky to have a sister like yours.

The oppression isn’t that we can’t just have any ol’ substance we want. The oppression is that something as simple as a fucking joint can’t be bought legally in many places which puts otherwise law-abiding people in a position of following a ridiculous and unjust law or committing a victimless crime.

Just pack it carefully and don't tell the guy at the UPS store that it's alcohol.

It's called affect. If you can't take a little humor in your drug smuggling instructables, perhaps you should take a toke break.

Yah the violent violation of raping someone is the same as taking a bag of weed on the plane. You are so, so good at this internet thing.

So instead of nobody being oppressed, your end goal is for everyone to be oppressed? Super progressive.

Why would you be so careless with nugs!

You seem to have plenty of time to talk about it despite having a wife and kid.

Of course you’re not alone, what a stupid thing to say. The subtext, of course, being that if you don’t do it, why does anyone need to?

What’s that you were saying about favicons, Mr. 1990s?

But why does it have to look like a Toyota?

Nick Jonas is the Chris Brown we want.

This comment elicited a genuine belly laugh. The combination of the -take meme of today with Ms. Apple of yesterday was just masterful.

Yah because a carefully curated, filtered and managed online social media profile is indicative of one’s happiness and personal fulfillment in life.

No silly, he’s crying because he can’t read that $180 million check.

Not to mention, the media is having fun spit roasting him (and deservedly so) but all his materialism just shows how emotionally weak and deeply unhappy he is.

Money can buy cars, watches, sunglasses, womens’ silence, etc. but it can’t buy him a new life. He still has to be Floyd Mayweather—a broken, deeply unhappy, vacant human being.

I bet you have a super healthy marriage.

Let’s not lionize Pacquiao too hard. As a politician in his home country has worked to reduce access to contraception. That doesn’t scream family man, to me.

Except, he has to be Floyd Mayweather. Money can’t paper over everything, that is one seriously unhappy dude.