
FF8 had the best world building of any Final Fantasy, because it’s (probably) the only one that ever dared to be subtle: the party doesn’t throw a tantrum when they learn what the price of their magic is, they rarely feel the need to hammer on how messed up the world is, you actually get paid instead of relying on

Unfortunately have to agree. 3 things really combine for me to make the initial impression poor that you mostly touch on:


That’s one thing I like about bungie. They’re pretty responsive to their player base. That being said the sense of entitlement and bitching on Twitter for this was unreal. Like holy shit, ffxiv has their game go offline for 6 hours every Tuesday for maintenance and offline all day when a major patch or installment

I’ll start this by saying that anyone is free to feel insulted by whatever they feel insulted by. But I - an Asian-American living in a third world country - really think this criticism is stretching a bit.

It’s not particularly fun, nor scary, but it is fairly long with a lot of walking, and there are pixels indeed. Some of the music is nice. I guess what I’m saying is that I also played it out of curiosity, and I can say that if you don’t happen to finish on time, finishing it on youtube will probably be at least as

For the uninitiated, Orbs of Power are bits of energy that drop from enemies after they’re killed by specially upgraded weapons.

No, it costs $40. Does Mario Odyssey cost $300? Did God of War? What about Halo?

depends on availability, food deserts are still an issue in the US. there’s also the value of time. 1 hour spent cooking and cleaning up = 1 hour less with your kids or working. when the average person in the US works 50-60 hours a week time is a hot commodity. not saying people should eat junk food all the time but

I think that was more to the point of “I don’t like this so the site should cater to my specific wants and silo this content off somewhere else even though it is relevant to hundreds of thousands of Destiny players.”

Everything isn’t for everyone.

Also, ten whole minutes, huh? Almost started the tutorial then I see

If there’s an NDA and you agree to it, you should probably comply with the terms. If you don’t and it results in you being banned from using their product (if outlined in the terms), then that’s on you. What’s the big deal here?

I liked the Darkness for the story in the 1st game and the gameplay mostly. Toward the end I grew tired of it. The scene with Jackie and this day will be a high point in gaming for me. Was I ever pissed off and never before had I cared about getting revenge in a game so badly. A great but horrible moment. I

So, it’s just living in or near a bigg-ish city? Like, I don’t disagree with the technical findings but, let’s say, this study was done when the rich folks all lived in the city? Would it be that the weather hated white people? (I’m being glib, but the tone of the article up to the findings was basically that the

Yeah, Breath of the Wild came about because Nintendo execs only play Pokemon GO.

Yeah it’s such a shame that they don’t try to copycat the latest crazes like every other game developer on Earth already does.

But death stranding is a complete, polished, lengthy experience?’re stucking playing NFS: Underground, search Bing with IE, and watch MP3's with Windows Media Player?

And plenty of disabled gamers have come out in support of adding difficulty levels to From games. Don’t use the words of one person to symbolize an entire group lol.

Difficulty options do nothing except expand the potential number of people who will play the game. I don’t give a fuck if I’m cHeAtInG mYsElF out of some arbitrary experience. I just want to get through the game without wasting a lot of my precious time. And it’s the developer’s right to not include difficulty options