Matt Curry

My roommate came up with something last night that could possibly blow your minds…what if the R in the R+L theory has been wrong this whole time? First of all, martin has made it VERY clear that the best genetic marker in Westeros has been somebody's hair color. From using "the seed is strong" to ferret out the

Fair enough…but RTD was smart enough to notice that it was starting to get bad and left after his 4th year. Hopefully(but probably not) Moffat will reach some level of self awareness now that he is in HIS 4th year and step down after this season…

Capaldi was FANTASTIC, but that episode was sooooo poorly written it was painful. Here is how I picture Moffat's thought process: "How about if I take a dinosaur, the Paternoster gang, some animatronic aliens, throw them all in a blender and see what comes out?!? GENIUS!!" Never mind that the episode was completely

I have always wondered…what is it like to not actually have a soul? I see all the people in this discussion who have nothing better to do than to hate on a show that is doing an excellent job of wrapping up a VERY complex story. Honestly they are doing a very god job of it so far. This COULD have been a re-do of