that was a good LOL too bad i have a cold and am now coughing up a lung!
that was a good LOL too bad i have a cold and am now coughing up a lung!
This hole is for the throttle body worm gear clamp. The black piece is the intake silencer.
I tagged the pic in with the IDI cover, the coolant resevoir is somewhat a common part on all vehicles but the cover for the throttle body also looked the same with the small hole in it for throttle body worm gear clamp.
isnt that a GM 2.4L QUAD plug cover? i know both toyota and GM had some joint ventures but the intake also looks to be from a 2.4L. Id also comment about the coolant recovery tank but thats a generic between all companies.
Going to school for GM ASEP. It was the last night of our schooling at the college we where at. The nursing section had a fund raising even going on at a known bar. The night started at Hooters with lots of beer and wings. We all consumed too much for our own good in hind sight! Later that night we are at the venue…
I guess but its probably also the same as Dodge winning truck of the year again for adding a diesel engine V GM rehauling its truck. Tomatoe/Tomahtoe.
Stupid Alberta job making me get an Alberta licence with air brakes endorsement while living in BC can't get my fucking outdoors card and be in the sun fishing!!! FUCK!!!
Cant be that bad if it won car of the year in 97. It beat out the BMW 5 series that year.
Can "journalists" start getting their shit straight! Cowling came off and wing fell apart are 2 different fields. Kthnksbi!
And fuck your bro truck you tow nothing with.
Lol at Keg belly getting worked up. My life isnt that interesting but to follow a car for 45 mins fuck that noise. Even though its cars, Paparazzi is gonna Paparazzi.
when you say Camry, you mean beige boring and everyone has one?
I need to find a 2 door Yukon or Tahoe from the past.
Engine under load sounds better. Would like to mic the car and do a lap with it. But as it sounds in this video. Lots if disappoint.
Nah just lazyness on my own part. But i know we have a 15 year wait for some cars you sure we can just order stuff from the Aussies?
Hello West Coast Canada checking in here. Whats the info for us? Probably like the GTO never gonna happen?!
Being a former GM tech and now customer i have been on both sides of this fence.
What kind of car racist are you? You should be ashamed of yourself and leave this great place know as Jalopnik.
Ummm.... ive been flying a little bit in the last few months and ive noticed one thing. The planes always land on the rear wheels first. Or am i being to obvious about this?
I bet if you ran the car around the ring with no camo people would just think its an old version of the car. It would probably just get passed by unnoticed even by the car paparazzo.