
Is there a regjstry for weird cars and their records at the ring?

Technically its a true statement, its comnig threw my laptop speakers... so yeah. semi true.

Why doesnt GM ever use this sort of stuff for their adds.

Did he just call the Corvette a Curvette? Damn millenials and lack of respect for their elders.

I dont feel alive until the warm glow of TV, YouTube, or just unremovable adds from the content im watching/reading just takes up 2/3rd of my screen telling me to have another drink, or purchase this game etc. It is only at this point that i consider myself to be trully free and independent!!!

Jalopnik Article: Fake vents have to go!

I woild consider the LS swap for reliability purposes. That northstar is junk.

I emailed this story to one of your editors a few days ago. Is there another way of getting this stiff threw to you guys?

Youre old because you can use the term turn of the century because youve lived threw it and now stuff that happend before the turn of the century.

Commercials like this make me happy that Pontiac got axed. Such bad marketing, lack of showing options or even things that are standard with the car. Damn the 80's sucked. Good riddance!

Also dont knoe to many places that let you ride on the deck of the truck like that definatly not a north american site.

They arr about 3" in diameter. You can flow a lot of electrcity in them. Somewhere around 17000 volts. They did a rebuild on a P&H 4100 at the place i work at and it took 12 hours to walk it from the rebuild pad to the face to dig.

When ever i see or hear the word behemoth i think of the steve wright on the resvoir dogs soundtrack of him saying behoimoth

The Komatsu now has a 980 also 400tons

Then Duke boys may be all grown up with a familly and they still got it.

When Neckcar starts using production vehicles for their cars ill be a lttle more interested in the sport of left turn nation.

What you cant see is the tow line between the cars.

I like my Chevy Cruze diesel, the color, its gray, isnt my first choise but when you can get an easy 60mpg out of the thing i dont care about the color. it was a saving money thing and right now cutting fuel costs is the best thing i can do for myself to get my stuff back on track.

Im getting a kick out of people that are losing their minds on having the minimum wage being upped to 15$/hr thinking it will ruin the economy. Yet no one is even blinking an eye at this, as hundreds of thousands of people get laid off.

HAHA, after he asked for that kick starter it blew my lid and i stopped following or even watching him. dude comes off really weird even before that.