Dell Cousins

Sparks appear in it! 'Nuff said!

Sparks appear in it! 'Nuff said!

To me the eating was just a teacher-y thing to do, but one that you might not recall if you inventoried "things teachers do while addressing a class." I've seen teachers do it, definitely, but it was a stroke of brilliance to bring it to a character in a film.

To me the eating was just a teacher-y thing to do, but one that you might not recall if you inventoried "things teachers do while addressing a class." I've seen teachers do it, definitely, but it was a stroke of brilliance to bring it to a character in a film.

Needless to say, the sex scenes were no shorter in the shorter version. Mom's masturbation even goes on longer in the shorter version. It's also much more clear in the shorter version what Paquin's character gets up to with another character who is not played by a Culkin (spoiler successfully avoided by me, I should

Needless to say, the sex scenes were no shorter in the shorter version. Mom's masturbation even goes on longer in the shorter version. It's also much more clear in the shorter version what Paquin's character gets up to with another character who is not played by a Culkin (spoiler successfully avoided by me, I should

Refresh my memory: doesn't the scene under discussion come after the one in which Broderick is humiliated for having used the phrase "smoking a J" with Lisa? Maybe it's just me, but I saw a teacher humiliated once in front of Lisa, uptight about being disrespected a second time in front of her. I thought that was one

Refresh my memory: doesn't the scene under discussion come after the one in which Broderick is humiliated for having used the phrase "smoking a J" with Lisa? Maybe it's just me, but I saw a teacher humiliated once in front of Lisa, uptight about being disrespected a second time in front of her. I thought that was one

He is the Punchable Face Laureate