
If you work in the food industry you do. You are full of stupidity today. Just stop posting. Or keep posting so you can reveal to the world how fucking dumb progressives are.

These people are the worst and Jezebel is full of them.


White women are the worst.

You got called out for your stupidity and now won’t respond to anyone pointing it out. Nice!

So you tell us the guy comes in to get his dreadlock removed so he can return to work and then you post “tl/dr, white guy with world’s most disgusting dreadlocks can work as an engineer.”

You ran the numbers on that? Fuck off you idiot.

“No one is telling America’s white baristas and bike messengers to shave their locks.”

Exactly. There is no fucking way I am hiring a stinky ass white hippy with dreadlocks. You want a job. Cut your fucking hair.

Black folks can get away with him. White people who wear them are dirty fucking hippies that I would never hire.

You do know their connections to the Clintons right?

The Clintons hang around some disgusting people. Fuck them.

So disgusting the Clintons are such good friends with a pedophile.  

Their love of them is just a cover to hide their racism. White women are the worst.

Tell them what. These images are make believe. BLM is being counterproductive at this point.

She probably reads Jezebel. They think all men are raping murderers.

There is a video.

You are exactly like the white guys who are always derailing. Progressives whites suck.

Exactly. Watching white feminists react to this is fucking disgusting. They are the worst.

No, sweetie. It is very clear white women are the worst. Fuck off.