
Fuck off, whitey.

White feminism is the worst. Fuck all these stupid white bitches.

You poor white women. Fuck off whitey.

Here comes the racist white women defending their own. White women are the worst.

White women are the fucking worst.

White women are easily the most racist group of all. They are fucking disgusting people. The more progressive they are, the more racist they are.

Women should not be cops. This is proof.

Daddy issues?

Hot take, bro!. You bore me.

“A ring and a piece of paper may not protect you from life, but they sure can make things less complicated when things get tough.”

Nailed it.

“she’s very talky”

Wait until these dipshit progressives get their socialist dream her in the US. We are all fucked.

Fuck off. You are the worst. Get a life already and stop posting on Jezebel.

It’s like when people question the government’s version of events, they are called conspiracy theorists. This happens a lot on Jezebel.

It’s the entitlement issues for a few individuals, not a whole gender. I suppose you think all black people are criminals also. You are a racist.

I haven’t heard one person blame Angelina.

Of course. You are on Jezebel. Now all we need is an article from Anna Merlan calling anyone who questions the story an idiot.

This sounds like a progressive’s wet dream. Total control over the population. You guys should be celebrating this.