Delirium Enough

They didn't use "Jacen" because it looks stupid and like someone misspelled "Jason."

What, are you telling me my own opinion isn't valid? Sorry, no. I don't like any of her work. Juno's dialogue was terrible and unrealistic, Jennifer's Body was a mess. You're welcome to adore them, but don't insist I misunderstand you. I do get your point. I just don't agree with someone who likes her writing and

Well, she failed at her earnest bid for Cassavetes-style naturalism, then. She's an awful writer and this is far more enjoyable stuff that does justice to the silly & very amusing source material.

The kind that ends with Funkadelic. Hallelujah!

You should probably explain what a video nasty is to Americans without Google. You'd be surprised! Great show. Absolutely stomps all over that insipid remake and makes Diablo Cody look like… Diablo Cody.