They didn't use "Jacen" because it looks stupid and like someone misspelled "Jason."
They didn't use "Jacen" because it looks stupid and like someone misspelled "Jason."
What, are you telling me my own opinion isn't valid? Sorry, no. I don't like any of her work. Juno's dialogue was terrible and unrealistic, Jennifer's Body was a mess. You're welcome to adore them, but don't insist I misunderstand you. I do get your point. I just don't agree with someone who likes her writing and…
Well, she failed at her earnest bid for Cassavetes-style naturalism, then. She's an awful writer and this is far more enjoyable stuff that does justice to the silly & very amusing source material.
The kind that ends with Funkadelic. Hallelujah!
You should probably explain what a video nasty is to Americans without Google. You'd be surprised! Great show. Absolutely stomps all over that insipid remake and makes Diablo Cody look like… Diablo Cody.