
Yeah, I don't know how people think that's good acting. It's not believable at all.

Nothing insufferable about Sabbath's Theater. That book is godly comedy.

Why can't/won't he explain Moses Farrow doing a complete 180?

Not at all. Swift was big at that point, but Kanye's outburst made her a international talking point. He definitely boosted her Q rating.

Aly is a goddamn modern day Sophia Loren!

Tom Hardy is a fucking ham of gross proportions and can't remotely compare to Leo in talent.

Gosling was singing and dancing before he started acting, and definitely could have been a professional dancer (and even got an offer to be in the Backstreet Boys allegedly). See the Mickey Mouse Club in the early 90s.


This list is an abomination.

Blue Velvet or Mulholland Dr. are worth more than PTA's entire career. I say that as someone who finds Boogie Nights virtually as good as the masterful Goodfellas that it's modeled after. PTA is too much led by pretentious aspirations. Lynch is an intuitive, great artist.

That's it though. A superb processing scene does not a movie make.

Pushing a glorious masterpiece like Pulp Fiction to the side, something like Kill Bill is more stylistically audacious, engaging, and interesting than anything PTA has ever done. PTA's become a cinematic masturbator, with his only two satisfying films being Boogie Nights and Punch-Drunk Love. Django was terrible,


Horseshit. Continuum trumps the Ramones' entire output.

Oh fuck off with this hipster bullshit. Your Body Is A Wonderland is a better song than anything Timony has ever created.

I was at the 5:45 in Walter Reade. Very amused by the forced applause that happened after like 3 attempts by lone clappers. The film is an ostensibly accurate adaptation in its broad strokes, but spiritless and unengaging (unlike Pynchon's book) almost in the way of The Master.

I agree.

"The biggest problem I'm seeing with this is that Leonardo DiCaprio is pure method. "

I like Jesse, but this "Walt is the devil" crap is going to make me lose interest in his fate.  Watching Jesse freak out again for the last 5 episodes is supposed to be a satisfactory ending to this show? I can acknowledge that poisoning someone is reprehensible without quite seeing how Jesse's behavior is at all