I’m sure what Trump means is that he’ll have the federal government put resources into reducing poverty and improving the economic outlook for the poor. Not racist and oppressive police tactics that treat all blacks as the enemy.
They should only agree to support him if he changes his last name to “Ghazi.” Cause that’s the only way Congressional Republicans will give a fraction of a fuck about what he does.
You’re such a gibbering idiot that you should be Trump’s pick to run the Department of Education if the other gibbering idiot is rejected.
I’m going to guess that this is the reason—DeVos, Puzder, Sessions are worth devoting lots of energy/time.
I can only assume (hope?) they are backing him because they have bigger fish to fry in terms of the cabinet nominees (like they’ve made a deal that they’ll back him if so-and-so doesn’t back someone else?). This still feels like a betrayal, but there are worse cabinet picks, imo.
But the flipping painfully obvious lesson that has been learned from working with the Republican Party these past 8 years, not to mention this new administration, is that there is NO SUCH THING AS SAVING YOUR BATTLES. There is NO compromise. There is no political capital that you save up and “spend” on more important…
I hope this is a reminder to everyone on the left that we pick and choose our battles, and that symbolic votes/victories don’t really matter. Carson was going to be confirmed anyway, she’d do better to stake a big, big fight on Puzder, whose future is far less certain in my eyes.
I think this headline should read...
WHAT THE FUCK, SHERROD BROWN? Here I was, thinking he was going to be the one elected official from Ohio who wouldn’t embarrass us this year.
Every time I see her face, I have flashbacks to all the thin blonde girls who were really, really mean to me in high school...
Remember how up in arms Republicans were about the Clinton Foundation and the potential conflict(s) of interest?
Trump’s son Eric told the New York Times, “This is purely harassment for political gain, and, frankly, I find it very, very sad.
I find it very, very sad.
Tell me about it. Just got a hot take on FB about the womens march from the girl who checks IDs at the gym. She says it was stupid. Guess that’s that.
That wouldn’t have worked, because the idiots who think BLM is a hate group would just ask why it’s not “Stop Killing Cops” or trot out the same tired black-on-black crime statistics.
Love the hat. Ask yourself; had the BLM movement decided to brand the movement as “Stop Killing Us” or “Stop Killing Black People” how different would the discussions be from people on the other side? You’d eliminate the Blue Lives and All Lives trolls pretty quickly.
Well, maybe, but also quite possibly not.
Most were saying, “Not this white woman,” or “No one I know!” I’d say, “[Fifty-three percent] of white women voted for Trump. That means someone you know, someone who is in close community with you, voted for Trump. You need to organize your people.”
How fucking hard is it for dumb white people to get it in their thick skulls that IT IS FUCKING OFFENSIVE!!!!! There’s no ‘ifs’ about it. Don’t fucking do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!