
My parents always taught me that phrase was never trust anyone who says trust me, except your mom and dad.

Never trust someone who uses the phrase “trust me”.

i knew that he wouldn’t do it, because he said that he would.

But is it when that person advocates “peaceful ethnic cleansing,” something that has never existed in the history of the world? Genocide by any other name is still fucking unacceptable.

Sorry. We’ve fought nazis in WWII. I have no remorse for a nazi getting punched in the face. They want to kill us. They want white male supremacy. I don’t have time for that kind of bullshit rhetoric and neither should you. Sometimes you have to fight. That kind of evil needs to be stomped out by any means

That’s the most jelly beans ever in one place at one time. Period.

Who gets plain vanilla dippin’ dots? How white bread can you get?

In DC I saw a vendor trying to sell surplus Trump t-shirts as “Trump firewood.”

I am really frustrated with all the Trump supporters who have been fine with all the sexism and racism, threats, claiming Obama is a muslim commie, etc. who are now saying, “It’s time to shut up and get on board. We all have to work together.” Huh. What changed? Fuck that.

What the hell would a piece of tree do there? You should have dropped a hot fucking load of shit! She would have said yes.

It was also Hillary’s fucking slogan!

I totally forgot I had this gif until you posted that song. I’m going to start using it again.

Bumper sticker ideas for Trump 2020.

“We’re stronger when you shut the fuck up and do what I tell you.”

OMG you missed the cutest woke man there.