
me too, lol. I don't really like the idea of "speed reading". I mean, just call it skimming. Too much opportunity for miscomprehension..

I'm curious, since burrowing animals will dig up under the fence, is it possible to lay fencing (say, chicken wire) on the ground so that the crops can grow up through it, but animals can't dig up through it?

but it takes more energy to do than to merely plan...

ARG, goatse'd by lifehacker.

Great article, Adam. Advertising and the propagation of the "YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SHIT, HERE BUY MORE SHIT" idea bugs me a lot, as well as the, "BUY OUR SHIT, NOT OUR COMPETITOR'S SHIT" and particularly the "YOU NEED THIS SHIT, YOU'RE NOT NORMAL WITHOUT IT" idea.

If you've got space in the freezer, stock up on frozen veggies to supplement your fresh. Good and convenient for when you have run out of fresh and have no time to shop.

Erm. Weakest link, anybody? Padlocks are like a sign, "PLEASE STEAL THIS BIKE!"

This must be somewhere in here, but I can't find it in the thread.. how do I HIDE some people without having to HIDE the entire circle?

Eh. you can read my replies anyway you want. Neither of us are going to change our minds about this.

Get a bunch of USB drives on sale. 4gb, 8gb. Hand out as required. Problem solved! :D

I chastised Chaca's generalisations, yes. I'm not chastising an entire gender group. You need to note the difference here.

If I'm going for early morning runs, I don't eat. There's simply not enough time to get any digestion going before I get my run in. It takes too much effort to try to keep my banana or yogurt down while I'm bouncing up and down on the trail, even though I know it gives me energy for the second part of my run.

I find chalk too dusty. Prefer whiteboard markers on glass surfaces. It's probably easier to put down a glass panel on the desktop (slide a piece of paper underneath it for contrast), and use that.

mmm. Prince of Persia.

@Elfenlied: I've carried lighters in my pockets on flights. Never had a problem with that. Not since that x-ray stuff, though.

@UnMicD: the easiest thing I ever played: if you know C Am F G, string together a whole bunch of well-known, sing-along easies in a fun medley:

@Squiddles: I think sweet potatoes have more nutrients or something.

@Kagnon: Most lactose intolerant (or lactose sensitive) people can ingest yogurt with little to no problems.

@Epell: gotta read the labels. There's a lot of yogurt in the dairy section. Most of the ones screaming LOW FAT on the packaging tend to have high sugar content! ;p

Hmm. If your regular bath mats are soaking through to the floor and feeling nasty all day, I think it's likely you're doing it wrong. Dry off in the shower, then step out. After your feet are dry, mop up excess splash on the floor, and hang up the mat.