
toughened your nipples didn't it?

It is bad and terrible.


Eh the ending makes no sense, but I liked everything that led up to it.

Just watched for the guitar solo

I agree, he gets a lifetime pass for The Social Network in my opinion.

Huzzah for old English spellings of words.

No well in the basement?

Almost done with In the Woods by Tana French and I'm not sure what to make of it yet. I like the characters and the backstory but I'm underwhelmed by the mystery.


Oh god, I couldn't do it either. I gave up about half way through.

244 comments on a book review? Awesome.

Eschaton anyone?

Holy shit.

cool beans

Now it just looks like a non sequitur.

Yes, he has to say it aloud.

Yeah but he didn't invent the piano key necktie, did he?

Not particularly I wouldn't think.

What if I want Denver?