
yeah but Times Square is not.

Ah yes, the guy who threw a pornstar off a roof. Nice guy. Your friend is a dumbshit moron.

He also said you have to literally be hit by a tractor to use Obamacare. Which, huh.

He also said the GDP was negative. Which, what?

"eh ho, look at this mook over ere, shutta up."

Agreed. They suck and should not have hockey. Thanks for agreeing.

everyone can come to my lawn. I have beer.

Yes, wait…No.

This town is full of so many bandwagoning fucktards. I can stop anyone on the street wearing a Kane jersey and ask them to name one player on the team before 2010 and I'm pretty sure they can't.

I remember specifically that I think Carolina had an article on the front page of the paper explaining the rules of hockey when they were in the finals a bunch of years back. Fuck them in the face.

I randomly remembered that she burned down the Tower of the Hand in the books because she thought Tyrion was in the walls.

what was she talking about again? Oh yeah, shame.

your anus is really responding to the laser.

We can all learn a lot from Major League.

Have you been to Indiana?

That "No! We had a deal!" might be my biggest laugh of the whole season.

The East Village is no longer a horrifying hellscape. Unless you think millennials are horrifying. In that case, it still is.

yeah, I used to visit a ton in the 80s before I moved there in 2003 and my parents refused to even take the subway during the day.

stop reading us your AIM profile.