
We've seen the Westboro lovelies pop up at so many events covered by the media, I've become desensitized to seeing them. From this distance, they almost seem like a parody. On one hand, I'm expecting them to protest the opening of the SuperTarget in my town in October; on the other hand, I'm expecting the joke to be

Put "Pianist" between "Overly Hygenic" and "Deep Seated".

@cocobanal: I soooo empathize. I recently started chemo on my pup, but not the premium chemo protocol. I went through a crisis of wondering if I was a bad person for being willing to spend X but not Y. My BFF reminded me that whatever I decided, love and care and understanding is what they need most, however long

@funchefchick: I don't have insurance for my dog, and right now I am paying for chemotherapy for him OOP. It's the price of a used car, and it's not even the "best" chemo protocol. Based on this, I am seriously considering insurance for my next dog, whenever that might be. Is it just a flat monthly rate, and does it

Roxy Scotch. Middle name: Over

@conman577: MeFi seems to keep the debate intellectually rigorous. They took down this recent "Manifesto" handily:

@sensitivitycop: Tres demure. But I quickly grow impatient with the demurities now, perhaps because that was my standard for so long, and it served me not at all.

@sensitivitycop: Goddammit, that's hot. I'm going to remember that forever.

Fat doggie makes me fat sad. Poor doggie.

@Jeenzy: Yeeeah, I don't think sympathize/sympathetic mean what he thinks they mean.

Well done, but Jesus, that's disgusting.

Isn't this the same thing as Winner's Curse in statistics?

@xodallas: Totes. All the tabloid bullshit just melts away.

This is consistent with my idea of Sarah Palin. There's a lot of libertarianism in people on the "frontier." But she also strikes me as someone whose house is in (innocuous) chaos. Like, well, she doesn't know exactly what everyone is doing. Definitely NOT a helicopter parent. And she's never lost sleep over her own

@dcorsetto: Same here. It probably helps that the only mirror in my apartment shows me from my shoulders up.

And the Knitting Scout Badges!

@Raised-byHeathens: And, well, he's young. All serial killers that we know now once lived for a time with no murders to their name.