
i am pretty sure that our Presidential motorcades have been involved in accidents as well. Really not fair to blame the royals on this one. I get people hate them and hate that they are still publicly funded but, imagine if one of the royals were kidnapped or sniper shot - it could literally cause a war(obviously

aha - good point.

i thought the most recent theory was the pesticides that are used are poisonous?

what IS going on?

Thank you!  i am not crazy, yay :)

I have one of those cheesy inspirational posters in my office, but mine says “Everything Happens for No Reason”. i get many looks of disapproval.  fuck em.  :)

I remember being in elementary school and the Carter administration mandated we all learn the metric system. I believe it lasted a year and then was stopped. No explanation as to why we did not continue. Or did i make this all up?

thanks.  i will try your ratio next time i make some sauce!  if it sucks, i will come and find you :)

i can get behind the using of garlic powder instead of fresh garlic, because you are correct - peeling and chopping it kind of sucks. However, what is the ratio of fresh to powder? If a recipe wants one glove of chopped garlic - well, what is that equivalent in garlic powder? i don’t know. is there a chart? a handy

looks more like Janice to me (not to besmirch Janice, cuz she is awesome).

Bad Romance (her best, i think).

wait - why is it called Little Baby Bum? is that the characters name, Bum?  what?

wouldn’t it be nice if these celebrities and this group used their money and influence to fund health clinic and treatments but using science based medicine instead of woo?  think of all the good they could do!  instead, it’s just a bunch of grifters preying on parent’s pain.  should be illegal.

Just an FYI for those that are not aware, there is a podcast for the show as well with Craig Mazin.  One podcast for each episode.  The podcast is great in that he goes into much more detail about the facts vs fiction in the show and the decisions they made regarding what to show on film and what not to show.  It’s a

i am confused with her - wasn’t she like “close to death” not but a year ago? why is she still alive?

i think whats her name is preggo?

i bet she is self conscious.  considering who her father is and how he views women...

why does Tiff look like she is holding in all her breath? I fucking hate these people.

which was, surprisingly, fantastic.

thank you! it should be handled by both then. the police for the criminal side and by the university for violations of conduct. that makes sense. appreciate your thorough answer.