
ha! that’s hilarious. :) :)

hmm, i think The Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod is a pretty imaginative name :)

i grew up (the 80's) with the “if you squeeze lemon juice on her vagina and it hurts, she has a disease”myth.

oh my god thank you! i was so confused! i saw that movie with Colin Firth as “Bertie” and they didn’t show any of that in the movie. Seemed like a fairly decent dude. thought i was having a stroke.

i get that this is wrong and she needs to be held accountable. However, it’s hard to muster up outrage when the Orange Pig has done far worse and is still sitting there, fucking up our country.

poor guy :(

Nope. Brian Dunkleman.


even better!!

my stupid work computer blocked your picture.  i am assuming it’s ahnold with a scotch and a cigar and maybe his love child?  :)

and i am pretty sure that Arnold enjoys cigars and drink so...

i watched this entire thing and no fall at the end.  disappointing man :)

i don’t know for sure if Simon was killed. he was in the hospital wrapped up in bandages but it didn’t look like it was the morgue, so maybe he survived?

you know what - Simon the Devious would already be dead right, since he is a vampire? so he wouldn’t have even had a heart beat? so it would have to be Guillermo’s since Guillermo is still human. I think? Thanks for letting me work through that :)

actually, the younger one is that Olivia Jade person. . The older is Bella, the quieter one - who is now also under investigation:

can anyone answer - at the end when Laszlo gets the hat back and he puts in on (and then takes off, and then puts on and then takes off etc...), whose heart monitor kept flat lining? Simon the Devious’ or Guillermo’s?  thanks.

thank you!

which podcast, if you don’t mind sharing?  thanks

apparently, she is dead now. From Reuters:

why didn’t they take the plea deal then???  and they ARE cheaters so i don’t know why they are outraged that people are calling them that.  Ugh, these people!