
so these people are no longer “pro-life” then.

lori hoped she had a fuller house

what did the daughters think they were doing when they posed for pictures in crew gear - having never done crew in their lives?

yeah, whatever.

wait - are we not doing bottom liner anymore? is that what’s wrong with Kate’s liner? Help! i’ve been doing black bottom liner (on the waterline) since 1985! should i go home and hide my face in shame?

can we all collectively agree to not purchase this stuff?

yes!  i totally forgot about Christine. 

it certainly had it’s problems.  it’s just the one that stood out to me the most as not translating at all to the screen.  because it was missing that key element of the viewer being in the dogs brain.

it was so heartbreaking. and it gave the the story so much depth - but in the movie, Cujo was just a monster. but he was a good boy who didn’t understand what was happening to him and did not want to hurt his people.

yup.  Zelda is in this one (according to another review i read).

sort of off topic but related - Cujo. The book was awesome because in the book, you heard (read) what the dog was thinking. They couldn’t do that in the movie and it just became a “mean scary dog eating people” story. The book was so much better since you understood the dogs point of view - his fear and decent into

holy crap!  i saw the last name but never assumed she was related.  

it’s a shame because a one-stop shop for health care would be fantastic! i had a recurring issue with my boob and the amount of hassle you have to go through to get it taken care of is insane! Multiple appointments with multiple doctors all on different days. It was an infection that they would treat with antibiotics,

Abigail Folger is depicted in this movie - from the article

he used to be a good actor.

but the mens! how are they supposed to control themselves with your butt and boob outlines showing? won’t you think of the poor men?

except you still have to pay the tickets, car or not.  good luck ever trying to get your license renewed or new car insurance with outstanding parking tickets.

Is your real name Chuck Johnson?   :)

because i love disaster films - even terrible, cheesy ones. And The Wave was actually pretty good building tension and one of the better disaster films i have seen. I also loved the cinematography - i loved seeing Norway (i knew next to nothing about Norway and had no idea how gorgeous it was) and i also loved