
just take it slow. i think the book will offer some great advice, eventually. but it’s a bit difficult getting through some anecdotes.

i am reading it now.  and the first chapter scared the shit out of me. i had to put it down for a couple of days.

Wocka wocka wocka - thanks!!!

isn’t that marla on the end (far left) and is that eric or donny jr next to her? and who is the lady with the dark hair behind them (the face in the circle)- is that melania? i don’t think that is ivana right? hasn’t she always been a blonde?

goodness - 52 is too damn young!

What is this picture??  yikes.  is that khloe?

if she really cared about children, she would convince her husband to resign.

and it is truly laughable to believe that a DICTATOR doesn’t know what is happening in his country. Nothing happens without the dictator dictating it. Are we to really believe that a North Korean soldier acted on his own and killed this guy? So, either dumb donny doesn’t really understand what a dictator is OR dumb

i am sorry that these parents lost a child. truly. However, these are the same people who publicly bashed President Obama and blamed him for Otto’s death. And now, in this new statement, they are not condemning trump by name - just dancing around it.  I guess the orange pig is more important to them.  shameful.

Anne was smarter than Henry.  And then Henry finally figured that out and had Anne’s head chopped off.  :)

Wow! You really did some investigation here Mr. Brown. Kudos!! Now what happens? Have all of the publications been notified? Do authorities need to be called? What will be the consequences for Sendler regarding all of this? Will there be any consequences at all or will he just get to continue duping people? It’s

wow! you are right though - her face is much less angular, but it could be her age at that point. I may have to think about getting my molar’s removed though if that is what did it :)

yikes!  the things people will do for beauty and fame. it’s a shame.  she was probably just as gorgeous prior to tooth removal.  thanks Jerry!  you’re the best!

Did Joan Crawford really have some of her back teeth removed so her cheekbones would appear to be higher? I saw that in Feud and wondered if that detail was true. I figured you, of all people, might know - since you are the old hollywood expert in these parts :)

rotten cottage cheese.

replying to my own comment to clarify - these twins are Lucy and Maria Aylmer.  in my original, i omitted Maria’s name.

omg! I love this analogy! (analogy is the right word, right?). The whole Anne Boleyn/Henry thing just absolutely fascinates me. King creates an entire religion and changes the course of history because he really really wanted o bone anne boleyn. freakin men.

hey - you have a penis protruding from between your eyeballs. someone probably should have told you.

sort of related. last night on the reddit i learned that twins can also be of different “races”. Twin girl, one was white with red hair and the other was black. Genetics are weird and fascinating.

not when you have Allison Janney and Ellen Barkin also starring :)